75 Hard Challenge

Hey, there! I have some very exciting news. Girl, we’re doing the 75 Hard Challenge and we’re starting on Monday!

I have played around with the idea of doing the challenge before and I finally decided to give it a shot. I like the idea of amping up my workout routine while also focusing on some of the other goals I have. If you’re new to the challenge or if you’ve never heard of it this is what you need to know…

Rules of the Program:

  • Follow a meal plan. I highly recommend tracking your nutrition using an app and/or a food scale. Tracking your food will show you exactly how much you’re eating and that’s what you need to know to be successful.

  • Complete two 45-minute workouts each day. One of them must be outside.

  • Take a progress picture. Take a picture each day to track your results. Create a folder in your photos app and place all your 75 Hard pics there.

  • Drink one gallon of water each day. I plan to use liter size bottles to track my water.

  • Read 10 pages of a book. Girl, they say audiobooks are not included…

75 Hard Schedule

This schedule should make it easy to be consistent with the program. It offers a variety of workouts that will keep things interesting while also giving your muscle groups a chance to recover. I have been viewing 75 Hard videos on TikTok and the results have been so inspiring. Most women say they feel so much better about themselves and are more consistent with their workout routine.

Along with this schedule, I’ll be using this body scale to track my weight and other biometrics. I’m most interested in seeing my body fat, muscle mass and visceral fat (fat around the organs). Since I’ll be tracking my nutrition too I purchased this scale to make counting my calories and macros easy. These scales come with an app that pull info from both devices which makes it incredibly easy to make sure your food is aligned with what your body is actually doing. The app provides a plan for you based on your biometrics. I am so excited to try this out.

Follow along as I chip away at these 75+ days. I’ll be reading bell hook’s all about love to start the challenge. Read along with me and we’ll discuss it on the podcast. I can’t wait to see where we all end up in 75 days. We got this!


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